Sunday 14 May 2017



Everyone aspires and hope to become successful in Network Marketing (NM) or Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or Relationship Marketing (RM). These are indeed great aspirations. Hopes are just dreams and activities are the foundation of all achievements.

Everyone who is convinced joined NM or MLM or RM (whatever name you call it) excitingly with total optimism and motivation. It is sad to realize that a majority after awhile seem dull and dormant. It is natural in NM or MLM or RM. People come and go. It is likened like opening a retail shop where people come by to purchase from you. Some will not return, perhaps, they might not like you or for whatever reasons. Some will continue to patronage your shop.

The only way for you to have an ongoing flow of business is to keep on keeping on opening shop everyday without fail. The similar situation happens in NM or MLM or RM, you have to keep on keeping on bringing new blood into your organization. There ain't no free lunch. There are many ways like getting referrals from your existing NM or MLM or RM networks, your warm market and your cold market. Become a gregarious person and you will no doubt find abundance in your sponsoring campaigns.

Sponsoring is not as simple as many people thought. You have to shoulder a great amount of responsibility and commitment. By sponsoring someone into your NM or MLM or RM organization you are demonstrating to them that you are going to help them in any way you can to get them started in the business. You are going to teach them all you know, but even more importantly, you are accepting the responsibility to teach them to teach. This is termed duplication which is the key to ultimate success in NM or MLM or NM. Proper sponsoring is showing committed professionalism and, unless it is carried out continuously, there will be no real success.

Reward in NM or MLM or RM comes from the perpetual growth of your organization like the root system of a healthy tree, there is an outward and downward spreading development bringing an ever increasing flow of the essentials nourishment that everything above requires for its survival.

Focus on duplication. True duplication doesn't come until your 3rd level is in place - when the person you have sponsored have sponsored another and teaching them to sponsored another.

Sponsoring is like breathing. It has to be continuous. The only secret to become successful in sponsoring is "talk to people"; "talk to more people" and "talk to even more people".